Prof. Dr. Giovanni Orsina is Professor of History at Luiss-Guido Carli University, Italy.
His research interests include the relationship between ideologies, institutions and political struggle, with a particular focus on liberalism.
At Luiss-Guido Carli University Giovanni Orsina is deputy director of the School of Government and director of the Master in European Studies. He is also research fellow of IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, where he is the coordinator of the PhD in Political History.
His latest publications include ‘Party democracy and its enemies: Italy, 1945–1992′ Journal of Modern European History 17:2 (2019) 220–233, with T.B. Müller and J. Nevers; ‘Genealogy of a Populist Uprising. Italy, 1979-2019′ The International Spectator 54:2 (2019) 50–66.