International PhD Conference | 2015

Third International APH PhD Conference | 10-13 June 2015 | Bielefeld, Germany

This year the honor of hosting the APH (Association for Political History) Conference for PhD researchers in political history befell to the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology. Participants were well prepared with clear directions to the impressively modern X Building that the Institute calls home. Upon entering the building a warm welcome by dr. Miriam Kanne and dr. Thomas Abel awaited the tired travelers, who had come to Bielefeld from all over Europe. After some refreshing drinks and the arrival of the last professors, the director of the Institute, prof. dr. Thomas Welskopp, opened the conference.

Panel discussion: Current Trends and Agendas in Political History

Prof. dr. Willibald Steinmetz (Bielefeld) chaired the panel discussion entitled ‘What’s next? Current Trends and Agendas in Political History’. Prof. dr. Henk te Velde (Leiden) took the floor and started introducing the Association for Political History. The APH has started as a European organization, because the founding members are European institutes and most members study national histories. But the APH aims to be an international association and is not about European history only.
